Customizable screw botol parfum luhur 30ml dicitak kaca parfum botol semprot

Katerangan pondok:

Item Katerangan .: Scerew sprayer botol parfum

Min Order Kuantitas: 1000-10000Sapotong

Kamampuhan suplai: 1000000 Piece

harga FOB:AS $ 0,3-9,99 / Potongan

Waktos kalungguhan: 3-35Days

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Inspirasi desain:

hirup exquisite ngajadikeun spirit pinuh ku vitalitas jeung misteri

1. Nozzle: desain nozzle bebas pikeun semprot rupa

2. Bottom of the bottle: thickened and non-slip design on the bottom

3. Awak botol: bahan kaca kualitas luhur kalawan kapribadian bersinar

4. Botol sungut: gampang pikeun muka tur kuat sealing, teu gampang bocor

botol parfum screw

botol parfum screw

botol parfum screw

botol parfum screw

botol parfum screw

botol parfum screw

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